Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Matching Tie And Handkerchief

1973. This was the fourth record from Monty Python's Flying Circus. There is some mischief here because Side 2 had two grooves instead of just one. There were two different audio streams in store for you depending upon how you drop the needle. This trick rivals the Moody Blues record in which Side 2 was infinitely long. Link in comments.


Edfray said...


*Here you go*

Traitor Vic said...





That's how the world is these days. Think you're stupid now? Wait 'til tomorrow.

Thanks for this thing I already have all over the place, by the way!

Edfray said...

I'll have whatever Vic is having.

Laura said...

I can't unzip using notveryprettymusic. I just get an error message.

Edfray said...

Please reveal the error message. I would also like to know if you are using a Mac. Do these things for me and I will get you a link to an unzipped version of the download.

Laura said...

I use Linux Mint 18.3 with Cinnamon desktop.
I have tried right-clicking and opening with Archive Manager (which shows all the files in the archive). Whenever I select "Extract" or "Extract Here", and enter "notveryprettymusic" (without the quotation marks) as the password, it simply opens a small display box which says "An error occurred while extracting files.

Edfray said...

Thank you Laura. I'm going to download it and and unzip it with Windows and post a link to a share on Google Drive. I have errands today but I will post the link this evening, CST. I will also try an unzip with Linux Mint 19.2 in hopes of learning something. I heart Linux. Say, almost 20% of my traffic is Linux.

Edfray said...

The zip file DID unzip for me using Mint 19.2. I've uploaded the album as a directory to Google Drive and here is the link;


Try your luck, please. This is mysterious.

Edfray said...

Try it this way as well, please, if you are so inclined;


Laura said...

Hi Edfray;
Thank You for going to the trouble of uploading those files. Both of those links worked fine.
When I opened each link, it took me to a page where all the files were visible as a collection and not zipped in any way, and they were apparently zipped immediately before download for me to receive as a ZIP archive, which extracted without any problems at all in each case.

Perhaps I should have mentioned in my last post that I had already downloaded a couple of Bonzo recordings and "Another Monty Python Record" from your site, with no problems unzipping them at all.

Also, I haven't had any problems with zipped downloads from other sites.

My most recent download was just last week, so it's unlikely that the original problem was due to a Linux Kernel update or other system update causing a regression.

Anyway I hope this helps. Perhaps the silicon-chip gremlins were out and about, and just chose me today.

Glad to hear you like Linux, I changed over to Mint 17.1 a few years ago when Microsoft announced that they would no longer support Windows XP, and I've never looked back. According to the Mint forum, Mint 19.3 is due out before Christmas, so I think I'll be giving that a try too.

Thanks Again for your help.

Edfray said...

You are very welcome. Thanks for these clues. I now strongly suspect my utility 7-ZIP.