Monday, August 29, 2022

Killer Robots - Crash And Burn

Sam Gaffin works at a studio in Florida. He does Claymation and cartoon and digital animation. He also films human performers in robot-like outfits, replacing the backgrounds with CGI. There are also CGI killer robots of course. This URL no longer works, but this new one WILL! Try it;


Edfray said...

It turns out that DEPOSITFILES, the EASY CLOUD SERVICE, was so obnoxious to use that I don't want to inflict it on my visitors, or myself, ever again. Please standby as I shop for a better file hosting solution.


Edfray said...

In the meanwhile you can watch Killer Robots on YOUTUBE this way;

Edfray works nicely... HA HA HA..... said...

By the way. You are encouraged to become a LINUX smart@ss and install yt-dlp and use it to download everything you care to on YOUTUBE.

Geeks will inherit the earth!

Edfray said...

And that includes KILLER ROBOTS CRASH AND BURN as well!