Monday, August 29, 2022

Killer Robots - Crash And Burn

Sam Gaffin works at a studio in Florida. He does Claymation and cartoon and digital animation. He also films human performers in robot-like outfits, replacing the backgrounds with CGI. There are also CGI killer robots of course. I just now notice that the DVD is in print. Heck. Link NOT in comments.


Edfray said...

It turns out that DEPOSITFILES, the EASY CLOUD SERVICE, was so obnoxious to use that I don't want to inflict it on my visitors, or myself, ever again. Please standby as I shop for a better file hosting solution.


Edfray said...

In the meanwhile you can watch Killer Robots on YOUTUBE this way;

Edfray works nicely... HA HA HA..... said...

By the way. You are encouraged to become a LINUX smart@ss and install yt-dlp and use it to download everything you care to on YOUTUBE.

Geeks will inherit the earth!

Edfray said...

And that includes KILLER ROBOTS CRASH AND BURN as well!