Friday, September 18, 2020

Personal Beatles Diary - 1997

Alf Bicknell worked with the Beatles during their touring years and did this documentary. Link in comments.


Edfray said...

More and perhaps better Beatles documentaries are on their way.

*Here you go*

Alan said...

Hey Edfray! Is there a way to contact you directly? I have something you might like.

Edfray said...

There sure is;
I'm very curious.

Alan said...

Emailing you now...

Kwai Chang said...

More on the way?
I'm not scared!
Thank you for the Alf Bicknell Diary. I like his ability to go low-budget and still relate the passion of it all in a coherent manner. I'd like to think that EACH Beatle sacrificed huge portions of their individual existences just to be Beatles. I can't imagine what the world would be today had they not been so willing to make such sacrifice...and THANKFULLY, we'll never have to wonder about it. That Alf is so capable of relating the experience and still remain composed proves that it ALL went by so fast. We forget how quickly Feb. 9, 1964 turned into April, 1970. The fact is that NO PERSON could possibly have more to cope with than a Beatle. So, it must follow that the 'helpers' must have been even MORE unaware that they were in the center of something too big to appreciate...until much later when they realize that time is STILL accelerating. Kudos, to Alf. I'd rather have his story, than NOT have it. He knows, however belatedly, that once you've been touched by The Beatles...NOTHING is ever the same. It must be coped with. I admire him for facing this realization. It might have been exciting...but it always ends sentimentally!!!
Thanks, Edfray!!!