Thursday, November 22, 2018

Shut Up Little Man! - 2008

Shut Up, Little Man! is the title of audio vérité recordings of two argumentative and violent alcoholics, Peter J. Haskett and Raymond Huffman - so says Wikipedia. Mind the profanity. Here is volume one with six more volumes to go.


Edfray said...

I think this thing is now actually out-of-print. So...

*Here you go*

crackzodiac said...

hello - Thank you for providing these recordings! Back in 2011 a documentary called "Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure" was released. It's about two friends tape-recording the fights of their violently noisy neighbors, in doing so they accidentally created one of the world's first 'viral' pop-culture sensations. The documentary is based on the recordings (volumes) you are featuring on notveryprettymusic. Looking forward to hearing all these and check out the film , it's actually well done. - Cheers

Edfray said...

You are very welcome. The film is still in print, alas.